Get Ex Back With Powerful Apology Pt 2

Okay, at this point you have done what few people do, which is not to apologize right away.  Most people who want their ex back rush in with a thousand I'm sorry's, but not you. 

You have followed several steps first.  You have owned up to what you did like an adult.  Not offered a bunch of lame excuses and explanations like "it didn't mean anything..."  It obviously meant everything to your ex.

Next, you mirrored your ex's feelings.  You said how what you did made him or her feel.  This makes them feel heard at a deep emotional level.

Third, you have allowed them to vent and get things off their chest.  This is crucial to allowing your ex to release and let go of some of their hurt, angry feelings.

Now, once those things are done, you can apologize.  "I'm really sorry for what I did.  I'm very sorry for hurting you and losing you and it tears me up inside..."  Something like that.

If you have followed these 4 steps, you are doing very well.  The next step is to ask if there is anything you can do to repair the damage you caused.  Wow!  Nobody has every asked them that.  They will really get your sincerity.

The final step is to ask if they will accept your apology.  Not to ask them to take you back.  Just ask if they will accept your apology.  They might or might not.  You don't pressure them, you let them have some time, days if needed, to consider things and get to forgiveness.

If you can follow these six steps, you will make an apology that is memorable, powerful and can help your ex get to forgiveness that much quicker!

If you would detailed examples of each step of this process so that you can get your own ex back, you can check out a complete 7 Step Strategy here at Get Your Love Back Now.


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