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Get Ex Back Into You

What is one of the biggest reasons relationships end all over the world? One partner falls out of love with the other. This happens a lot.  It may be the most common cause of divorce and breaking up around the entire globe.

Your ex just isn't that into you anymore.  They were really into you at first, things started out so well.  Why does this relationship killer happen?

The reasons are varied. It could be that they find you no longer as sexually attractive, or you don't make enough money, or your quirks and issues just aren't that fun. It could be that over time you fought and argued too much. However, for one or more reasons, your ex fell out of love with you and is no longer into you.

One important thing to understand is that there will be a reason or two that this happened.  One primary reason, then perhaps a few secondary ones.

Another valuable thing to notice is that once your ex has begun to lose interest in you, they usually withdraw emotionally.  You have probably felt this happening over a period of time.

They may still be friendly, they may still smile at you and hug you, but won't feel that close or intimate to you. Getting your ex back into relationship with you when this has happened is very challenging.

So is there any way to get them back into into you again?

In some cases, yes, there is! It will take a willingness to change and some objective detective work.  Relationship drift is one of the hardest things for a marriage or relationship to recover from, but it can be done if you have a clear plan.

One of the first things to do is to get very clear about their reason for not being into you anymore. Usually it is just one or two things. Did you fight and argue too much? Did the sex become too mechanical? Did you gain weight or lose your income and become a money drain?

Once you know why they aren't that into you anymore, you have to confront the next issue. Are you willing to change that thing about yourself? Are you willing to go on a diet for them or change your work habits to so that you can spend more quality time with them?

You don't have to change.  You too can decide to move on.  But if you want them back after relationship drift, this is really your only possibility.

Once you've figured out why they aren't into you, and you decide you are willing to change yourself to give them what they want and stop being a way they don't want, then you talk to them and aim to convince them to give you another chance while you prove to them that you can change to be the way they want. It does not always work, but it is one of the only strategies you can employ when a mate is no longer into you.

 You can get a free course on Love Advice here.

There are a lot more steps to the process of getting your ex back.  If you would like to get your ex back quickly, you can check out a complete 7 Step Strategy here at Get Your Love Back Now.


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